Apprentice Achievements
Is It Unreasonable to be Unreasonable?

Is It Unreasonable to be Unreasonable?

George Bernard Shaw said “the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man”.

Or Woman!

The rule of law, societal structure, process, procedure; they’re all essential elements in maintaining order but do they support development & boundary pushing growth?

I wouldn’t consider shoplifting to be part of my personal growth plan, but I do push the boundaries of perceived normality if I believe it’s stifling me.

We all have a moral compass & code that dictates the density of grey that we’re prepared to step into & we all have an egotistically driven moral hilltop that we sit upon to judge others’ shades of grey, but can we evolve without it?

Is a challenging attitude to accepted norms an essential trait in continual growth?

I don’t consider myself to be criminally motivated, but I do drive over the speed limit. I’ll put my foot down on that stretch of road because it should be redesignated as the national speed limited, & motorways, well 70 mph was introduced in the old days & modern cars are a lot safer………………

It’s very easy to find justification within our own moral boundaries especially when we reap the benefits of our actions, but if we’re to see an unreasonable attitude to stuff making a positive impact it must have benefit for the many rather than simply enhancing our own lives.

If it wasn’t for the unreasonable, often ridiculed persistence of those that walked before us we wouldn’t benefit from the modern trappings we couldn’t live without today.

Electricity, flight, motorised transport, internet, running water, midget gems ………………………

It’s definitely easier for those of us with the luxury of modern living to become complacent or accepting of what we have without the need to push for more & we definitely get caught up in our selfishly motivated unreasonable acts on a daily basis but there’s still more to do.

There’s still a myriad of pathways yet to be trodden & improvements to be made for the benefit of all people.

There may not be a need to invent electricity but there’s a need to improve its sustainable generation.

We take for granted our supply of clean running water but it’s not readily available for everyone.

The internet on our hip has made the world a smaller place, but we’re not always using our access to a wider audience for good.

There’s so much more we can do if we’re prepared to take unreasonable steps for a common good but leave midget gems alone, they’re are fine as they are!

I hope you have a great & challenging week.

