Apprentice Achievements

Early Years Educator

Education, Children & Young People

Early Years Educators, are highly trained professionals who play a vital role in the development and learning of young children. The role can be placed in a variety of settings including full-day care, childrens centres, pre-schools, reception classes and even childminders. An Early Years Educator may either work alone, or supervising others to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set by the Government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. With experience the role can lead to management of an early years setting.

Role Expectations:

  • Plan and supervise both child and adult led activities based around the needs and interests of each child
  • Support the development in numeracy and language through games and play
  • Confident with the responsibility of ensuring each child feels safe and secure
  • Through observations adapts learning to suit the needs of the child
  • Meets the care needs of the child such as feeding, changing nappies and administering medication where required
  • Works well within teams and in partnership with colleagues, parents and/or carers, or other professionals to meet the needs of each child

Skills: What you Will Learn:

The expected patterns of development for birth to 5 years and an understanding of further development from ages 5 to 7

  • The importance of attachment and how to effectively promote
  • Understand a range of underpinning theories and philosophical approaches on how children learn and develop
  • How individual circumstances affects a child's learning and development such as moving school, birth of a sibling, family breakdown and adoption and care
  • Promoting diversity, equality and inclusion including cultural differences and family circumstances
  • Importance of children's holistic development in speech, language and communication, personal, social and emotional development and physical development too
  • Teaching synthetic phonics for reading and a range of strategies for developing early literacy and mathematics
  • The potential effects and how to prepare and support children through transition and significant events in their lives
  • Early Years curriculum requirements such as Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Understanding how to identify and support children where progress is less than expected
  • Ability to undertake continued professional development to improve skills and early years practice
  • Understanding and adhering to the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, security, confidentiality of information, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
  • Why health and wellbeing is important for babies and young children
  • Safeguarding policies and procedures, including the protection of children and recognising signs of danger, abuse and how to protect
  • Preventing and controlling infection through handwashing, food hygiene practices and dealing with spillages safely

Knowledge: What you Will Learn

  • How to promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices
  • Plan and lead play activities encompassing the learning and development areas set out in the current early education curriculum
  • Ensure daily plans fully reflect the stage of development, individual needs and circumstances of the children, whilst providing consistent care
  • Provide learning experiences, environments and opportunities appropriate to the age, stage and needs of the children
  • Encouraging participation and ensuring a balance between adult-led and child-initiated activities
  • Utilise effective strategies to develop learning and thinking including sustained shared thinking
  • Promote and support speech, language and communication
  • Support and encourage group learning and socialisation
  • Lead by example with positive behaviour and keeping reactions and emotions proportionate
  • Supporting children to manage their behaviour in relation to others
  • Plan activities to meet any additional needs, working in partnership with parents and/or carers and other professionals where appropriate
  • Carry out and record observational assessments accurately
  • Identify the needs, interests and stages of development of individual children
  • Use formative and summative assessment to track progress and plan the next steps and shape learning opportunities
  • Discuss progress and plan the next stages in learning with the key person, colleagues, parents and/or carers
  • Plan and carry out physical care routines suitable to the age, stage and needs of the child
  • Promote healthy lifestyles by encouraging babies and young children to consume healthy and balanced meals, snacks and drinks appropriate for their age and be physically active through planned and spontaneous activity through the day
  • To carry out risk assessment and risk management in line with policies and procedures
  • Maintain accurate and coherent records and reports. To only share information when appropriate
  • Work cooperatively with colleagues and other professionals to meet the needs of babies and children and enable their progress
  • Work in partnership with parents and/or carers to help them recognise and value the significant contributions they make to the child's health, well-being, learning and development
  • Encourage parents and/or carers to take an active role in the child's play, learning and development

Behaviour: What is Expected

  • Care and Compassion - provide the very best care to every child, with the ability to challenge poor practice
  • Team focused - ability to work effectively with colleagues and other professionals, support the learning and development of others through mentorship and sharing professional expertise and experience
  • Honesty, trust and integrity - develop trust by working professionally in a confidential, ethical and empathetic manner
  • Commitment - striving to improve the outcomes for children through inspiration and child centred care
  • Non-discrimination - being aware of differences and ensuring all children have equal opportunity to learn, develop and reach their potential
  • Encompassing fundamental British values - this includes democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance to those of different faiths and beliefs

Level: Level 3

Qualifications Required: Level 2 English and maths. Where a learner has not already done so, they must do so before taking the end-point assessment.

Apprentices must successfully complete the Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid or Level 3 in Emergency Paediatric First Aid in order to meet the EYFS requirements.

Duration: Typically 18 months

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*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions

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