Apprentice Achievements


Learn how an Apprentice can benefit your whole workforce and deliver a return on your investment.

Key benefits of hiring an Apprentice in your business:

  • A committed workforce - One of the biggest opportunities Apprenticeships offer is the chance to build a dedicated, loyal workforce, with Apprentices growing into management roles as their skills develop.

  • Filling the gap - There may be a shortage of jobs overall in the UK, but some sectors have the opposite problem with a shortage of people with the right skills for certain jobs, and skills gaps emerging in a number of taking on an Apprentice will address future potential skill shortages before they happen.

  • Apprentices pay for themselves - Apprentices improve productivity in a business, making a positive impact on your bottom line

  • Productivity boost - Apprentices are learning on the job and contributing to productivity.

  • A morale boost - The decision to recruit apprentices demonstrates a willingness to invest in and develop the workforce which gives existing employees reason to be optimistic about their own prospects.

"I would like to highly recommend Springfield training. They have now supported 4 of my staff through their diploma Level 3 in children and young people in residential setting. They were able to adapt the training style to meet the staffs leaning abilities and communication - 3 of my staff are fluent British sign language users and understanding English as a spoken/written language is a challenge for both them and the assessors. The assessor always worked to the skills of the staff to enhance and guide them. All assessors who visited the home represented themselves to be professional and polite at all times."

Lisa Crabtree - Cambian Group

Our Partners

We are proud to support and work with a wide range of employers across the UK.

Hatzfield Care
Absolute Warehouse Services
BBF Limited
AM Fresh

Apprenticeship Levy

The Government promises 3 million Apprenticeships by 2020, and to help avoid a funding dilemma, the Government introduced the Apprenticeship Levy.

The Levy applies to employers in England, who have a an annual pay bill above £3 million. The Levy is 0.5% of the annual pay bill. This will be collected by HMRC monthly through Pay as You Earn (PAYE) and can be accessed by employers through an online digital account.

Employers not paying the Levy, but still offer Apprenticeships to 16-18 year olds, will receive 100% of the cost for training from the Government.

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Our Promise to You

You'll have a dedicated point of contact to help you identify and support your organisations training and staff development needs.

Employer's FAQS
Helpful Links
What are the benefits for employing an Apprentice?

Taking on an Apprentice is a proven way to grow and sustain your business. You can develop raw talent and prevent skill gaps within your industry.

What is The Apprenticeship Levy?

The Government changed the way Apprenticeships are funded on 6th April 2017, this is in order to improve the quality and quantity of Apprenticeships in England. If you are an employer with a pay bill of over £3 million each year you are required to pay the Apprenticeship Levy.

How long is an Apprenticeship?

In many of the industries we specialise in, an Apprenticeship typically lasts 12 – 18 months, however, this timeframe can vary depending on the number of hours worked, specific industries and the level of qualification.

What happens at the end of an Apprenticeship?

Once an Apprentice has successfully completed their Apprenticeship, as an employer you have the opportunity to welcome the Apprentice as full employee. Apprenticeships are a great way to build talent specifically for your business and industry.

Will an Apprentice be required to study their course offsite?

No, all the courses we provide are work based. We do occasionally come out to see our Apprentices, these will be arranged with notice.

Is an Apprentice entitled to holidays?

Yes, All Apprentices must be offered the same conditions as other employees working within a similar role or grade. This will include holiday, sick pay and any other benefits you offer employees, including childcare voucher schemes.

How can I employ an Apprentice?

We can help find the Apprentice that is right for your business – call us today to discuss your Apprentice needs with our specialist team.

Can I upskill a current employee?

Yes, supporting a current employee through an Apprenticeship to gain or advance in skills is a great way to demonstrate you care about employee career progression and development. Encouraging employees to take up Apprenticeship courses means minimal disruption to your business. Call us today to find out more

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