We have a wide range of Soft Skills Courses E-Learning courses available.
Active Listening
Anger Managament
Communication Skills
Confidence Building
Creative Thinking
Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Effective Meetings
Emotional Intelligance
Leadership Skills
Presentation Skills
Problem Solving
Project Management Essentials
Responding to Change
Recognising your Value
Setting Goals
Speaking Confidently
Writing Effective Emails
This Active Listening Training course has been designed to help users gain an understanding of what active listening is, why it is effective, and what can be done to improve this skill.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
Anger is an emotion that everyone will experience from time to time but with the correct training and discipline, you can easily learn to control your anger.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This online Communication Skills Training course helps staff build on their existing communication skills by providing guidance on initiating and responding to various forms of communication.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This online Confidence Building Training course is designed for all levels of employees and aims to help the user understand the effect confidence can have in the workplace and in their personal lives, whilst also providing them with the tools to begin improving their own confidence.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Creative Thinking Training course helps users to understand what creative thinking is, why it is a crucial skill to have in the modern workplace, and offers actionable tips on how to improve creative thinking skills.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Critical Thinking Training course has been designed to help staff use basic logical tools to analyse problems and come up with “outside the box” solutions.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Decision Making Training course has been designed to help the user understand how they can effectively make decisions and how they can improve their decision making and decisiveness.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Effective Meetings Training course helps staff to understand meeting etiquette, the different roles and responsibilities people have in meetings, and gives staff actionable tips to help them improve their participation in face-to-face and virtual meetings.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Emotional Intelligence Training course has been designed to helps users understand the basics of what it means to be emotionally intelligent and the important part it plays, both inside and outside of the workplace.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
Looking for a Leadership Skills course that can help employees make the next step in their career? This course has been designed specifically for employees across all industries who are looking to develop leadership and management skills.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This online Mindfulness Training course aims to help the user understand and practice mindfulness in any situation, be it in our outside of the workplace.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Presentation Skills Training course has been designed to help the user understand the benefits of a good presentation, the importance of identifying the aim of a presentation, and how to successfully deliver an effective presentation.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Problem Solving Training is the perfect starting point to improving anyone’s problem solving skillset & understanding the importance of problem solving.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Project Management Essentials Training course guides users through the process of managing a project, learning what it means to be a Project Manager, and seeing things through from an initial idea to a final product.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
Our Responding to Change Training Course will help employees feel more prepared when handling change.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
From time to time, we all struggle to recognise the value we have to offer – either at work, at home, to society, or all three.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Setting Goals Training course has been designed to help the learner understand the importance of setting goals in a professional environment, as well as covering best practices for setting goals.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Speaking Confidently Training Course is the perfect starting point to develop the skill of speaking confidently, in any scenario.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)
This Writing Effective Emails Training course has been designed to help the learner understand the importance of sending an effective email.
Price: £20 (excl VAT)