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You’ll Just Feel a Little Prick

You’ll Just Feel a Little Prick

Well, it’s clear I’ve now found my readership level!

I received my first vaccine last week and the aching, bruised feeling I experienced in my arm was dwarfed by my feeling of pride & patriotism.

I wasn’t expecting that at all.

I can’t claim to have played an active role in fighting the COVID 19 virus and keeping people at a distance is something I did before the pandemic so that didn’t cause me any difficulties, but as I waited in line for my turn to be vaccinated, I became acutely aware of the significance of what was taking place.

Standing in line, in Yorkshire, I became aware of all the people across the planet doing the same thing at the same time for the same reason.

We’re all fighting to eradicate this virus that has impacted the whole planet.

Doing our bit, being vaccinated & following the rules & guidelines plays a significant role in supporting all those front-line workers, & our contribution is essential if we’re to win this battle & experience some semblance of normal going forward.

We’re now a year into the pandemic that’s disrupted so many lives, crippled economies, separated families & friends & cost the lives of so many people that I feel numb to the daily updates, but we’ve also witnessed the development of vaccines through collaboration in a timeframe that has hitherto been unheard of.

That’s worth remembering as our will power & patience is starting to wane.

I like many others don’t know when, or if this will all end, but I do know that it’s likely to last significantly longer if we don’t maintain our adherence to the rules & guidelines until we’re told otherwise.

Where I live It’s getting busier with people visibly mixing more & this isn’t the time to waste the sacrifice & losses we have & continue to witness. We’re nearly there so surely feeling a little prick is preferable to acting like one!

I hope you have a great week.

