Apprentice Achievements
Your Excuses Are Valid. What Now?

Your Excuses Are Valid. What Now?

I recently listened to a podcast in which Vusi Thembekwayo, a South African business leader, was being interviewed.

He said in this interview that “all excuses are valid but that’s still not going to give me the results I want”.

That statement really resonated with me.

I have days when things don’t go as I’d like them to & it is true that on these days my excuses feel valid.

A planned income stream didn’t materialise, that meeting with a new customer was postponed, an unexpected bill has taken the money I was going to spend on…………..

But using those excuses as a reason for inactivity will not help me achieve my goals, & the ‘don’t worry I'll sort it out for you’ fairy isn’t waiting to help, I’ve looked!

We all have stuff that gets in our way from time to time & at some point we’ll all have a crisis of identity when dealing with things that block our path. Often this stuff will be pretty debilitating adding to the validity of our excuses, but our progress during these times will be minimal at best.

We still need to get up the following day & restart from our last point of progression!

I’m overweight, I didn’t do very well at school, I’m nervous, I’m shy, I was raised in poverty, my car keeps breaking down, I’m allergic to midget gems, ok that’s going too far but you’ll get my point…………..

All excuses are valid in that moment, but they’re excuses all the same!

We live in a culture of people making excuses, providing personal justification for their inactivity instead of accepting their reality & moving on.

Haters who target those they perceive to be more successful & have more of everything than they do without any consideration for the journey their targets are on & how far they’ve travelled.

Living in the emotion of hate, anger or envy is not conducive with a life well lived, leading to excuses becoming common place in our vocabulary of self-justification.

Instead, we should be celebrating the success of others, learning from their success & recognising that we’re all capable of working towards our own goals at a different pace to those around us.

We’ll all experience days when stamping our feet & making excuses may be appropriate but if we’re to achieve our goals & live a life of personal excellence we must recognise that even though our excuses are valid, if we’re going to make progress towards achieving our goals we have to move past that emotional blockage, get out of our own way & focus on what we want to achieve.

Our excuses are valid. So, what now?

I hope you have a great week.

